
Creative Ways to Make Your Holiday Ads Video Go Viral!

Boost your holiday ad video's popularity with these creative tips! Make your brand shine and captivate your audience for a viral campaign like never before.

Ryan Diyantara
December 7, 2023
Holiday Ads Video

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In this article, Get Camera Crew team will talk about getting ready for holiday ads and discuss the important video trends for Christmas in 2023.

Holidays, especially Christmas, are a good time for companies to do more than just give discounts. It's a chance for brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level, making a lasting impression that helps the brand throughout the year. In this article, we are looking at the steps to prepare holiday ads and breaks down the top trends in Christmas videos. These videos not only connect with people during the holidays but also leave a lasting mark on a brand's identity even after the holiday season.

In the advertising business, there are two types of teams: those who look for last-minute ideas and those who plan ahead. If you're reading this, we hope you're in the planning group. Why? Because making lively holiday ads needs careful planning. Whether it's for Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or other holidays, follow the basic steps of preparation for ads that shine both in theory and in practice.

Why using videos is so important for your business during the holidays

The holiday season, especially with Black Friday, is a super busy time for shopping. It's a time when people are all about making strong connections and special memories. Video marketing helps you tap into those feelings in a way that regular pictures and words just can't do.

Think about those warm and fuzzy holiday ads that big stores put out each year. These story-driven videos bring back good memories and get people excited about the holiday season and shopping.

But that's not all. Here's why using videos is extra powerful during this time:

  • More People Pay Attention: A survey by HubSpot found that 54% of customers want to see more videos from brands they like. Since people's attention spans are getting shorter, videos are better at keeping customers interested compared to just words. Plus, they're more likely to be shared, so more people get to see them.
  • Showing Emotions: Holidays are all about emotions, memories, and traditions. Videos, with their mix of pictures, sounds, and stories, capture emotions better than anything else. Big brands, like Johnlewis, have used heartwarming holiday videos to not just sell stuff but also start conversations in the culture.
  • Displaying Products: For Christmas sale, videos that show how products work and what they have to offer make things clear. According to a report from Think with Google, almost half of internet users look for videos about a product before going to a store.
  • Getting More People to Buy: Adding a video to a webpage can make more people decide to buy stuff, as un bounce reported an 80% boost in conversion rates. This is especially important during the busy holiday season when lots of people are shopping, leading to more money for your business.
  • Works Well on Phones: Since Adobe predicts that more people will shop on their phones than on computers, videos are easy to watch on smartphones. They automatically start playing on most social media, so lots of people see them.

How to Create Holiday Video Ads

1. Plan and prepare

If you want an effective holiday marketing campaign, spend time planning and preparing. Start by making well-designed schedule. Many places have guides on how to organize holiday marketing campaigns. The main stages of Christmas preparation are:

  • June-August: planning and preparation.
  • September-October: launch branding and customer acquisition campaigns.
  • November-December: maximize sales.
  • January: post-holiday activities.

Adjust this schedule to fit your needs. Also, decide in advance which events to include in your campaign. While Black Friday and Christmas are must-attend events, you can expand to include Thanksgiving, Super Saturday, Free Shipping Day, and New Year's Eve if your budget allows.

2. Set goals

Before setting goals, analyze the previous year's results. This will show what worked well and what customers didn't like. Use this data to set clear goals, guiding your campaign and defining tools and metrics for success.

3. Find your target audience

Identifying your target audience is crucial. Base your marketing on the unique needs and pain points of your users. Segment your audience and create special offers for small groups. This caters to different interests and provides shoppers with what they want.

4. Pay attention to loyal customers

Give special attention to regular customers. They recommend your brand, make frequent purchases, and are the backbone of your customer base. Engage them for valuable statistics, especially after the holidays. Show appreciation with special discounts, offers, free gifts, or exclusive privileges.

5. Don't stop after the holidays

The final phase of a marketing campaign should come after the holidays. Gather valuable user feedback and continue to generate sales, as many customers shop after the holidays for seasonal sales.

6. Sell emotions, not just products or services

Quality content is important, but holiday ads need a special emotional message. Emotions play a crucial role during the holidays. The more emotional your ads are, the greater the financial return. Expert Philip Adcock says emotions are 24 times more persuasive than reason. Effectively and emotionally deliver your message to form a positive overall brand evaluation, not just for one-time purchases.

Hot Trends in Christmas Video Ads

During the holiday season, videos become the go-to tool for reaching out to customers in a big way. These videos not only lift people's spirits but also make sure your brand gets noticed. Holiday ad campaigns focus on the emotions people want during this special time of the year. So, what makes Christmas ads stand out? Let's check out the main things top brands do to get millions of views for their Christmas ads:

1. Festive Vibes

Companies like Coca-Cola really know how to connect with the Christmas spirit in their ads. Even though Santa Claus is strongly linked with Coca-Cola, the company sometimes changes things up to make ads more sentimental and thoughtful, like in "The Magic of Christmas 2022 with Coca-Cola."

2. Family Stories

Stories about families coming together, building stronger bonds, and sharing traditions always get a thumbs up from viewers. For example, Edeka, Germany’s biggest supermarket, got 5 million views on Facebook and 1.2 million views on YouTube within the first24 hours of releasing their video.

3. Celebrities in the Mix

Putting a celebrity in an ads is a super effective way to grab attention. It helps create a positive image for the brand by connecting it with the celebrity. Even though some celebrity ads flop, like the Capital One ads with John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson, good content with famous faces gets people interested.

4. Storytelling

Nowadays, brands are more into telling stories than just showing off a product. Ads like Etsy's "ToThe Travelers" or Woodie’s "Happy Christmas Mrs. Higgins" are not just cute but turn into captivating stories. These ads go beyond just selling stuff; they touch hearts and stir up emotions.

5. Social Issues Take the Spotlight

Ads are now diving into social problems more often. It's a smart move because everyone cares about society's issues. Videos that go beyond promoting products show a brand's values and its commitment to making a positive impact on society. But these ads can be heavy or sad, so it's tricky to balance the seriousness with the Christmas spirit.

6. Religious Touch

Since Christmas is a religious holiday, people usually like ads that mention its origins and symbols. However, a bit of humor or irony in religious ads might not sit well with some viewers. British fashion company Mulberry had to clarify that their commercial wasn’t treating their products as divine.

7. Bring on the Laughs

Whether it's Santa, a playful elf, or a funny situation, a good laugh can make a lasting impression and create positive vibes around a brand. Funny ads also get shared a lot on social media, making them go viral and bringing a ton of success. Just be careful with "black" humor – it needs to match your audience, or it could be offensive despite being funny.

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