
How to Create Engaging B2B Video (Tips & Examples)

Looking to make your B2B videos stand out? Explore our easy-to-follow tips and examples for creating engaging content that drives results.

Fırat Bayram Bakır
September 16, 2024
engaging b2b video

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Creating engaging B2B videos can be challenging, but it’s key to capturing your audience’s attention and driving results. In this guide, we’ll share practical tips and examples to help you craft videos that stand out and connect with your target audience. From making your content visually appealing to using storytelling effectively, these strategies will help you create videos that keep viewers interested and boost your business.

What is B2B video marketing?

In simple terms, B2B video marketing uses video content to promote a business, product, or service to other businesses. Unlike B2C (business-to-consumer) video marketing, where the focus is on individual consumers, B2B video marketing targets other companies.

Today, businesses are always seeking new ways to connect with their audience and differentiate themselves from competitors. B2B video marketing offers a great way to achieve this. By creating engaging videos that directly address the needs of other businesses, you can grab their attention and build trust with your target audience.

Why implement a B2B video marketing strategy?

Most marketers who invest in B2B video content find it pays off well. In fact, a recent survey revealed that 90% of marketers reported positive ROI from video, with benefits like increased brand awareness, web traffic, better lead generation, and longer website visit times.

But that’s just the beginning. Here are some more key advantages of using a video marketing strategy:

Increased Engagement

Creating content that keeps your audience interested is essential in a competitive market. Video is a powerful tool that captures attention with its mix of visuals and sound, offering an immersive experience that stands out in a world full of information. While a long block of text may lose the audience's focus, a well-crafted explainer video can quickly show the value of your product, helping viewers grasp the benefits much faster.

Better Conversion Rates

Videos offer visual proof of your product’s effectiveness, making prospects more likely to take action, such as booking a demo or starting a free trial. According to Hubspot, embedding relevant video content on landing pages can increase conversions by up to 86%. Instead of requiring potential customers to browse your website for basic info, a short video can present your services, testimonials, and key benefits in one central place, speeding up their decision-making process.

Improved Understanding

For more complex products or services, videos can simplify how information is presented. A good video breaks down complicated ideas into manageable parts, making it easier for prospects to understand how your offerings work. It’s also a flexible medium—you can incorporate infographics, animations, and other visual aids to clarify important points and help your audience grasp the message more clearly.

By using video, your business can communicate more effectively, keep prospects engaged, and drive higher conversion rates, making it an essential part of a successful B2B marketing strategy.

7 Tips for Creating Engaging B2B Video Content

Whether you're new to B2B video marketing or already making videos, these 7 tips will help you create content that grabs attention and connects with potential clients.

1. Identify Your Audience and Goal

Start by figuring out who the video is for and what you want to achieve. Your product might have several uses, so adjust your message to match the needs of each target group. For example, if your product benefits both marketing and sales teams, the needs of a marketing leader will differ from those of a sales executive. Creating specific videos for each group ensures you provide the right information.

2. Keep It Short

In the B2B world, attention spans are short. Make sure to share your main message in the first 30 seconds of your video, and aim for a total length of 2-3 minutes for better engagement. Focus on clearly showing the value of your product or service.

Avoid using too much jargon, which can make your message confusing and difficult to follow. Keep your explanation simple and clear while emphasizing the benefits of your offering.

3. Use customer testimonials

Social proof is vital in B2B marketing, which is why video testimonials were the top video marketing tool in 2024.

Potential customers are more likely to trust your solution when they hear positive feedback from others in their field. Include customer quotes and real-life footage when possible, and highlight the specific results you've helped them achieve, like showing measurable ROI.

4. Use Storytelling

When explaining a complex topic or introducing a new product, storytelling makes the content more interesting. Focus on the key problems your audience faces and build a narrative that shows how your product solves these issues. Use real-world examples that mirror your audience’s experiences. Instead of just listing features, show how your solution helps overcome challenges for a more memorable and effective video.

5. Make it visually engaging

Videos that only showcase a software product without additional visual elements can easily become dull and lose viewer interest. To prevent this, incorporate captions, infographics, and images to help guide viewers through the content and keep them engaged for a longer period. These visual aids break up the monotony and make the information easier to digest.

Additionally, including a host to narrate the video adds a personalized touch, making it feel more engaging. Some companies are now using AI avatars for this purpose, like those offered by Colossyan. AI avatars can serve as video hosts, creating a more dynamic and interactive experience without the need to hire actors or manually record content. This approach allows you to maintain engagement while reducing production costs and time.

6. Use clear CTAs

Every successful B2B video should have a clear purpose, and your call-to-action (CTA) is what directs viewers toward that purpose. After presenting your key message, you need to make it incredibly easy for your audience to take the next step, whether that’s scheduling a demo, downloading a white paper, or visiting your website.

Your CTAs should be straightforward, simple, and closely aligned with the overall goals of your video campaign. Avoid using multiple CTAs, as this can lead to confusion and reduce the effectiveness of your message. A single, strong CTA provides clear direction for viewers, transforming them from passive watchers into active leads.

By including a powerful CTA, you’ll be able to drive measurable results from your video marketing efforts, turning engagement into tangible actions that support your business objectives.

7. Boost Your B2B Video Production with AI

A study by Wyzowl found that lack of time is the biggest challenge marketers face when creating video content, affecting one-third of them.

Creating B2B videos can be very time-consuming and resource-heavy. However, AI video tools have significantly reduced these challenges.

AI video platforms are a great way to increase your video production efficiently and cost-effectively. That’s why 75% of video marketers say they use AI to help with creating or editing their marketing videos.

The Best 5 Engaging B2B Video Examples

1. Dropbox

Dropbox runs a 16-second video with a fun and lively brand personality. Their promo for Dropbox Paper, a collaborative tool, is vibrant and engaging. The quick, colorful clip invites viewers to get creative, making it hard to resist. Your B2B or SaaS product video doesn’t have to follow strict rules. Be imaginative and think outside the box. Whether introducing new features or promoting an existing product, bring something fresh and exciting to the table.

2. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey runs a 1-minute 55-second video that highlights various product features. This video showcases the brand’s reputation in the B2B industry. Without using actors or voiceover, SurveyMonkey demonstrates what their product can do by showing its features in action. The video effectively highlights the key aspects of the tool.

For your B2B product video, consider using full animation. Animated videos are great for showcasing products or services with engaging visuals. Smooth transitions between frames create a well-paced video that keeps viewers interested.

3. Benchmark Protocol

For this Benchmark Protocol video, the terms ‘rich’ and ‘slick’ are evident in every frame. The script does much of the work, but the visuals are what keep viewers interested. When complex jargon isn’t being explained, the engaging visuals take over and capture your attention.

4. Salesforce

Salesforce runs a 2-minute 49-second video that showcases human elements with a real-life example. The video follows a small business owner named Karl and shows how Salesforce helps organize his business. Storytelling connects well with viewers, making the video more engaging and memorable by featuring a relatable experience. To make your brand and product memorable, include human elements in your videos. You can evoke emotions like anger, frustration, and nostalgia or use real people in your B2B or SaaS videos.

5. Mailchimp

Mailchimp excels at creating a strong brand persona and consistently using it in their marketing. In just under 30 seconds, their video captures the excitement of running a growing business with their product as an essential part. To make your brand stand out, add personality to your product videos with a unique element, whether it's humor, a distinctive character, or anything else that represents your brand.

Wrapping Up

Creating engaging B2B videos requires a focus on clear messaging, striking visuals, and effective storytelling. By applying the tips and examples shared, you can craft videos that capture attention and resonate with your audience. Remember to keep your content concise, visually appealing, and relatable to make a lasting impact.

If you're looking for professional support to enhance your video production, consider using our service at Get Camera Crew. We offer expert assistance in creating high-quality videos that highlight your brand’s unique strengths. Contact us now to explore how we can help you produce compelling content that stands out in the B2B space.

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