The Corporate Filmmaking Production Guide: How to Make a Compelling Corporate Video

Are you looking to create a compelling corporate video? This guide will teach you the essential steps needed to make a great video, from writing the script to editing and post-production. With step-by-step instructions, it's easy to make a professional production that your business can be proud of.

Nurettin Demiral
April 4, 2023
corporate filmmaking guide

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What is corporate filmmaking?

Corporate filmmaking is a type of video production that is used to communicate a company's message to a wider audience. It can be done in any genre, as long as it serves the message, and offers high-quality broadcast-worthy products at a lower cost than traditional video production.

Additionally, corporate films can be used to teach health and safety guidelines. Corporate filmmaking is important because it helps create a sense of community between employees and the company's mission, as well as providing employees with an identity for the company that makes them feel like they are part of something bigger.

Working with professionals is important for corporate video production. Contact Get Camera Crew, which creates value with its experience and knowledge!

What are the key elements of a successful corporate video?

1. Strong Storyline

A strong storyline is essential for a successful corporate video as it can help to clearly define its purpose, secure the necessary funding, and create an engaging script. It also can be used to effectively communicate messages and ideas while engaging the audience in a meaningful way.

2. Context

Context is key for a successful corporate video, as it allows the viewer to understand the background and purpose of the video. Without context, viewers may not be able to make a connection between the content and its relevance to their own lives or interests.

Contextualizing a corporate video helps create an engaging experience that resonates with viewers, inspiring them and driving home the message of the company.

3. Attention Throughout

It is important to keep the viewer's attention throughout a corporate video in order to create an engaging and effective piece of media.

Keeping the viewer's attention will ensure that they are able to understand and appreciate the message being communicated, making it more likely for them to take action on what is being presented. Visuals, sound, and pacing can all be used to keep viewers engaged in the corporate video production process.

4. Focus on People

It is important to focus on people in a corporate video because it helps create a personal connection with viewers and can be used as an effective tool to better engage potential customers and employees.

By highlighting the importance of good work and how it can benefit people, corporate videos become more engaging, appealing, and memorable. Focusing on people in a corporate video also allows companies to demonstrate their values, culture, and message more effectively.

5. Development of Video Concept

The development of a concept is important for the successful production of a corporate video as it helps to define the story and structure of the piece. It is also integral in determining what resources (e.g., people, places, props) are needed to make the video come together.

The conceptualization stage sets the tone for the entire production process and should include brainstorming ideas, storyboarding, and deciding on a creative direction that will help bring your message to life.

6. Script Writing

Having a script is important for a corporate video because it provides structure and allows the production team to organize all the information they want to include. A script should contain details about why people should use or buy from the company, as well as any relevant information about its business operations.

By taking a good scriptwriting course, producers can ensure that their corporate videos are compelling and well-executed.

7. Essential Equipment

When producing a successful corporate video, it is important to consider the location of the shoot and equip it accordingly. Different types of shoots will require different equipment, so it is essential to plan accordingly and select the necessary gear for each situation. To ensure that a quality corporate video can be produced in a timely manner, preparation is key.

8. Editing and Post-Production

When producing a corporate video, it is important to consider the post-production process, which includes editing and finalizing the footage. Adding graphics and animations as well as mixing various sounds can help to create a compelling corporate video. Additionally, carefully choosing transitions and titles, and paying attention to color correction and grading will also enhance the overall quality of the corporate video.

How to plan and organize a corporate video production?

Step 1: Plan and develop the corporate video service concept with the end goal in mind

It is important for corporate video production to have the end goal in mind when planning and developing the concept in order to ensure that all shots are planned and that the video flows smoothly from start to finish.

Additionally, having the end goal in mind helps create a pyramid diagram with all of the essential elements needed for each phase, which helps prevent any weak or damaged elements from compromising an entire project.

Step 2: Write the script for video production videos

Writing the script before filming a corporate video production is an essential step for effectively planning and organizing the project. Having a script in place allows producers to ensure that all of the information and visuals included in the film are accurate, organized, and relevant to their message.

Additionally, having notes handy during filming helps producers to craft a better script afterward. Ultimately, writing a detailed and comprehensive script allows producers to take full control of their project’s narrative arc while avoiding any potential problems or mishaps associated with post-production editing.

Step 3: Cast corporate films

It is important to cast the video correctly because it helps ensure a high-quality sound recording and minimizes the risk of mistakes during shooting.

Professional equipment should be used when possible for interviews, and the person being interviewed should be facing the camera and speaking directly into the microphone. Additionally, casting videos in low light or with artificial light sources can significantly degrade video quality.

Step 4: Film the company's video production

It is important to film the video in order to produce a high-quality, polished product that captures the message of the company or organization.

By filming people facing the camera and speaking into a microphone, audio quality can be improved. Additionally, proper lighting can help ensure good footage even in low-light settings. Finally, professional editing can help bring out even average footage for an outstanding final product.

Step 5: Finalize the corporate film production

It is important to finalize the video before starting the production process in order to ensure that the client is satisfied with it and that all aspects of their vision are accurately represented.

Finalizing the video also allows for an opportunity for the client to view it at the master quality (1920 x 1080 at a high bit rate) and approve any changes before any production has started. Additionally, having a call with your team prior to starting production can help make sure that everything is going according to plan.

Step 7: Promote the corporate video on the best channels

Promotion is essential for corporate video production in order to reach as many people as possible. By using social media platforms, websites, email signatures, media buying and advertising, landing pages, blogs, and more to make sure the video content is seen by potential customers. To optimize the potential of corporate video production it is important to think about how it can best be promoted.

Step 8: Measure the results of the video

It is important to measure the results of corporate video production in order to identify what aspects of the video were successful and which could use improvement. Evaluating the effectiveness of a corporate video allows for better planning and execution for future productions, as well as providing insight into how best to utilize limited resources.

Additionally, analyzing data from past videos helps companies determine if their current approach needs adjustment in order to achieve maximum success with each new project.

Step 9: Analyze the data and make improvements

It is important to analyze the data after a corporate video production in order to gain insight into how successful the video was and what can be improved for future videos.

By understanding and evaluating the data, companies can learn more about how their target audience responded to the content, as well as what changes might be necessary for future productions. Analyzing and reporting are both critical components of any successful corporate video production plan.


What are the steps in making a corporate video?

The steps in making a corporate video are divided into seven categories: Script development, pre-production planning, production, editing, post-production planning, distribution planning, and marketing. Scripts are written by writers who collaborate with clients to develop an appropriate voice and tone for the project.

Pre-production requires specific timelines in order to create an effective video; questions such as who is the target audience and what objectives need to be achieved must be answered beforehand. During script development, unique challenges can arise which must be addressed before production begins.

What type of video should I make for my business?

When deciding on the type of video to create for a business, it is important to consider several factors. These include the target audience, purpose of the video, budget, timeline, and desired format.

Additionally, one should also consider how they want to promote the video and what its ultimate goal is; whether that be increased sales or brand recognition. It is also helpful to consult with experts in the field such as production companies or film professionals who can provide advice on which type of video would best suit a business’s goals.

What makes a good corporate video?

When making a corporate video, it is important to consider factors such as lighting, framing, audio, and editing. Additionally, the production process should be as stress-free and seamless as possible to ensure the best quality end product. To make a compelling corporate video that is both entertaining and educational for viewers, filmmakers should keep these points in mind during pre-production.

How long does it take to make a corporate video?

It typically takes one to four weeks to create a corporate video. Companies should plan ahead and start the process early, as it can take around two weeks to complete a professional quality corporate video. To make sure the finished product has impactful production values and grabs attention quickly, companies need to invest time in creating strong visuals that tell a story, using subtle rather than hard sell tactics.

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