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Creating videos is a strong way to get more potential customers and increase your business. Nowadays, social media sites are really into videos. People who might buy things want fast and simple ways to know about new stuff they can buy. So, now is a good moment for your business to think about making lead generation videos to get more potential customers.
At Get Camera Crew, we work with businesses across a huge range of industries, creating cutting-edge video productions that expand your brand while telling your story. Let’s take a look at how the lead generation process works.
What is Video Leads Generation?
Using videos to get people interested in what you sell and collect their contact info is called video lead generation. When people might want to buy your stuff, you get their info, which is a lead in sales.
Videos do the same thing as other types of content, like blogs, podcasts, and posts on social media. They catch the eye of people who want to solve a particular problem they have at home, work, or in their life overall.
How Do You Generate Leads Using a Video?

The usual way to use a video to get people interested is by putting it on your websites - like your blog, where you sell things, your main page, and on your social media pages.
If you did your homework and the video is good, it should catch people's attention when they watch it. This gives you a chance to ask for their contact info.
The contact info you get from people who agree becomes your leads, because they wouldn't watch the video unless it helps them with a problem they're dealing with.
To get their contact info, you can put a form in the video where they can type their email. Or you can give them something valuable, like a helpful thing, in exchange for their email. Another way is to ask for their email before they can watch the video.
Some people have different thoughts, but most video makers think it's best to put the form forgetting contact info 10 to 20 percent of the way into the video. You can try things out to find what works best for you.
8 Tips for Using Video for Lead Generation
1. Understand Your Audience
Before you spend any money on making videos, you must know exactly who you're making them for. When you figure out the group of people you want to reach, you can make videos that they really like. These videos will be strong and made just for them, based on what they like and how they act.
So, if you know your target audience really well, you're more likely to make videos that are interesting and helpful for getting new potential customers.
Also, when you know your target audience, you'll know what kind of videos will work best to get more people interested in what you're showing.
2. Add Clear Call to Action
Making a really interesting and nice-looking video is important, but it's not the only thing you need to get the leads and sales you want. The stuff you talk about in the video has to matter to the people watching it - it has to talk about things they have problems with.
And, it's really important that you show the viewers what they should do after the watch your video.
What actions do you want them to take? Do you want them to buy your thing? Or go to your website? Maybe you want them to join your email list?
If you don't tell them clearly with a message called a CTA, the viewers won't do the things you want. The CTAs you use depend on what stage of getting customers you want to guide the viewers to.
For example, if you just started selling a new thing, you can make a video that explains how it works and put a catchy CTA that links to a paper or book they can download, or maybe a chance to try it.
Make sure you use a good tool to edit the video and add the CTA. Besides basic video editing, the tool should let you remove backgrounds from videos, use greenscreens, make thumbnails, and more.
3. Use Videos as a Gated Content
One of the first ways you might use different types of videos to get people interested in your brand is by using them as "gated content." This means that folks can only watch the video if they first join your website by giving their name and email.
For this to work, your video has to offer something special and helpful to potential business leads. This way, it gets people interested and encourages them to sign up, giving you important info to stay in contact later on. As long as the video is good and viewers get something useful from it, they might be happy to get emails from you in the future as a way of marketing.
4. Put Video Content on Landing Pages
Videos are also great for the main pages of your website. This means that when the people you want to reach come to your website for the first time, they get the simplest way to find out about your brand, what you sell, and the services you offer. Instead of using long paragraphs of writing, use short and good-quality videos. This will quickly keep the attention of visitors. And after they watch the video, they might want to check out more parts of your website. They might even become a customer!
5. Create Live Webinars
Doing live webinars is another way of giving something useful to the people who might buy from you. Making videos for live online events is one of our specialties at Get Camera Crew, and we know how to use these live shows - and the recordings that can be put online afterward - to get new people interested in your brand.
Whether your brand has a special mission that matters to you or you want to teach people about things that are important to you, a live webinar brings in folks who might not have known about your brand before. If these new viewers are interested in the same stuff as you, then going from the webinar to becoming anew customer makes sense.
6. Use Videos in Your Email Campaigns
Adding videos to your emails is a great idea and an important part of getting new customers. Studies have said many times that videos can make the number of clicks on your emails go up by more than 96%. And because more than 80% of small businesses use emails to market, you have other businesses to compete with.
Email marketing is effective, but instead of showing your readers lots of words, why not send them a special and interesting video? This not only makes the content easier to understand, but it also helps build a connection between you and the people on your email list. They get to see new content before others, which makes them feel special.
7. Put Testimonial Videos on Your Website
Making videos with testimonials is really important in video marketing because it shows your business in a very genuine way. When we talk to your team, managers, and happy customers, the Get Camera Crew team helps viewers truly understand your business. We don't use scripts; we just tell the truth, and that's how we get good potential customers.
Our video production company asks questions about your work, your experience at your brand, and the things that matter most to you. We also let customers say why they love your brand. What's a better way to introduce your products to new customers than by showing them how the products already make your existing customers happy?
8. Put Video on Social Media
Last but not least, videos are great for social media. No matter if it's YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo, Twitch, or Instagram, social media is focusing more on videos, and people are watching a lot. Facebook already gets over 8 billion views on videos every day, and Twitter gets more than 2 billion. Videos are strong, and if you want to connect with new people, using videos online is the best way to make it happen.