Video Production

Top 10+ Video Ideas for Company Teammates

Need fresh video ideas for your team? Find out the top 10+ ways to feature your company teammates and enhance internal communication with engaging videos.

Ryan Diyantara
August 28, 2024
videos ideas for teammates

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Looking for fresh and engaging ways to highlight your company teammates? Our list of over ten video ideas can help you capture and showcase the unique talents and achievements of your team. Whether you're aiming to celebrate milestones, introduce new members, or foster a stronger connection within your team, these video concepts offer creative solutions to bring your company’s story to life. Let’s dive into these exciting ideas and discover how you can make your team shine on screen.

Advantages of Creating a Teammates Video

  1. Personal Connection: A "Meet the Team" video gives your brand a human touch, helping potential clients, customers, or partners connect with the people behind your business. People are more likely to do business with companies they feel personally connected to.
  2. Trust Building: Showing your team members and their qualifications builds trust and credibility, reassuring viewers that they are dealing with real professionals.
  3. Transparency: This type of video highlights your openness, showing that you're proud of your team and have nothing to hide. Transparency is crucial in today's business world.
  4. Showcasing Expertise: You can feature each team member’s skills and experience, which is especially helpful in fields where expertise and qualifications are important.
  5. Strengthening Brand Identity: A well-made video can reflect your company's culture and values, helping to establish and reinforce your brand identity and make it more recognizable.
  6. Recruitment Tool: It can also attract potential employees who relate to your team’s personalities and the work environment shown in the video.
  7. Better Communication: Internally, a "Meet the Team" video can improve communication, helping team members get to know each other better and promoting a sense of unity.
  8. Marketing Asset: This video can be used across various marketing platforms like your website, social media, and email campaigns, adding depth to your marketing strategy and increasing engagement.
  9. Enhanced SEO: Videos can boost your website’s search engine rankings, and including a "Meet the Team" video can lead to better SEO and increased online visibility.
  10. Memorable Content: People are more likely to remember faces and names after watching a video, making it a more memorable form of content compared to text or images.
  11. Competitive Advantage: Not all companies have "Meet the Team" videos, so creating one can give you an edge over competitors.
  12. Global Reach: Videos can reach a global audience and be easily understood by people from different cultures and languages, expanding your reach.

10 Best Video Ideas for Teammates

1. Meet the Team Video

Create a video to showcase a few employees from various departments, or consider making a series of short videos, each highlighting a different team member. This approach is similar to what G-Research does with their Inside #G-Research series. By doing this, you can give your audience a closer look at the people behind your brand and help them connect with your team on a more personal level. Each video can focus on an individual, sharing their role, interests, and contributions to the company, making the team feel more approachable and relatable.

2. A day in the life

A "Day in the Life" videos is an excellent way to showcase what your senior employees do on a daily basis, offering a more personal and informal glimpse into their routines. This type of content adds a strong, relatable touch that can really engage your audience.

Your company's followers would be intrigued to see what a typical day looks like for your CEO or Head of Marketing. They would enjoy learning how these leaders spend their time at the office, manage their responsibilities, and interact with other employees. To create this series, you could film your chosen employee as they go through their day, capturing their activities and interactions. Have them narrate on camera to give viewers a deeper understanding of their role.

Alternatively, you could take a more casual approach by recording the video in selfie mode, similar to an influencer-style format. This approach, as seen in the example from a Buzzfeed employee, keeps the content simple and engaging while providing an authentic, behind-the-scenes look at your company's leadership.

3. Recruiting Videos

Are you tired of looking for candidates who are described as ‘agile’ or ‘value-added,’ or those who can ‘reach out’ to your clients?

If so, that’s great.

Instead of relying on business jargon, why not create an inspiring recruitment video that truly reflects your company’s core values?

A well-made recruitment video can address important topics, such as gender equality. For example, SAP, a major player in business software, successfully used an animated recruitment video to showcase their commitment to fostering an environment where women are encouraged to aim high.

You can use this type of video on YouTube to shape your own recruitment efforts and attract the right talent.

Also read: 12+ Customer Testimonial Page Examples

4. Livestream from an event

There's something thrilling about experiencing a live event. If you're organizing a special event or product launch, consider streaming it live.

You can use your social media channels to create buzz ahead of time and build anticipation among your audience. EA SPORTS did something similar when they live-streamed the final stages of their FIFA FUT Champions Cup, attracting thousands of interested viewers.

If you have an exciting product to showcase, the engagement you’ll gain from live streaming can make the planning and logistics worthwhile.

5. Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything (AMA) discussions, which gained popularity on Reddit and X (formerly Twitter), are also a great fit for video content.

You can create AMA videos as either live streams or pre-recorded events where you gather questions from your audience ahead of time and then present them to an expert within your business.

These videos can often lead to unexpected and interesting moments. For example, who would have guessed that Eden Hazard is as quick-witted off the pitch as he is talented on it, without seeing this video from SPORF?

6. "Challenge" Videos

Challenge videos are not only entertaining for viewers, but they’re also a lot of fun for your team to participate in. These types of videos bring a lively and engaging atmosphere to your content, making them enjoyable for everyone involved.

For example, HappeningFriday created a challenge video where their team members had to 'water bottle challenge.' It turned out to be a fun and creative way to showcase their personalities and teamwork. This kind of content can be a great way to bond your team while also engaging your audience with something lighthearted and interactive.

Also read: Using Customer Video Testimonials to Boost Trust & Credibility

7. Celebrating Milestones

Take the time to capture and highlight the moments when your team reaches important milestones or accomplishes major goals. These moments are worth sharing, as they reflect the hard work and dedication of your team. Whether it's completing a big project, reaching a sales target, or celebrating an anniversary, documenting these achievements allows you to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team. Sharing these celebrations with your audience also helps build a sense of connection and pride in your company's journey.

8. Leadership Messages

Encourage your leaders to regularly record brief video messages where they share their vision, outline goals, and express appreciation for the team's hard work. These videos play an important role in keeping everyone on the same page and fostering a sense of unity within the company. By hearing directly from leadership, team members stay informed and motivated, knowing that their contributions are valued and aligned with the company’s overall direction. Regular leadership messages also help build stronger connections between leaders and their teams, ensuring that everyone feels involved and connected to the organization’s mission.

9. Employee Spotlights

Consider creating video profiles that highlight the unique talents and contributions of your employees. These videos can be a great way to showcase the skills and efforts that each team member brings to the table. By featuring individual employees, you not only recognize their hard work but also give your audience a glimpse into the people who make your company successful.

Additionally, you can use video to introduce new members of the team. This helps new hires feel welcomed and allows everyone to get to know them quickly. Employee spotlight videos are a powerful way to build a sense of community within your company and share the diverse talents that make your team special.

Also read: How to Legally Use Music in Your Commercial Business Videos

10. Virtual Town Halls

Host interactive town hall meetings through live video streaming to engage and connect with your remote teams. These virtual gatherings allow everyone to come together, regardless of location, fostering a sense of unity across the company. To make sure the meeting goes smoothly, you can record and share video updates that cover important topics and announcements.

These pre-recorded segments help ensure that all key information is communicated clearly and effectively, reducing the chances of technical glitches or miscommunication during the live event. Virtual town halls are a great way to keep everyone informed, aligned, and involved in the company’s goals and direction, while also providing a platform for team members to ask questions and share feedback in real time.

Wrapping Up

We’ve covered over ten exciting video ideas to highlight your company teammates and strengthen team connections. Whether you're focusing on employee spotlights, leadership messages, or interactive virtual town halls, these videos can effectively celebrate milestones, introduce new team members, and keep everyone aligned with your company’s vision.

For top-notch video production, consider reaching out to us at Get Camera Crew. Our professional services are designed to help you create high-quality videos that capture the essence of your team and elevate your content. Contact us today to start bringing your video ideas to life!

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