
15+ Best Healthcare Videos Ads Examples of All Time

Check out our list of 15+ best healthcare video ads. These examples highlight successful strategies and creative approaches in healthcare advertising.

Ryan Diyantara
September 3, 2024
healthcare video ads

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Looking for inspiration for your next healthcare video ad? Here are 15+ of the best examples from all time. These ads stand out for their creativity, emotional impact, and effective messaging. They cover a range of topics from patient stories to innovative health solutions, showing how powerful and engaging healthcare advertising can be. Whether you’re in need of ideas or just curious about successful campaigns, these examples offer valuable insights and inspiration.

1. WHO: "I had a black dog, his name was depression

The WHO video uses the powerful metaphor of a black dog named "depression" to help people understand mental health. Mental health is an important part of healthcare, but it's often overlooked and considered taboo. Depression affects around 6% of people worldwide, yet it's frequently misunderstood and mistaken for just "feeling sad," rather than a serious, treatable condition.

This animated video breaks down stereotypes by using storytelling rather than preaching. It presents depression as an invisible, monstrous dog that negatively impacts a person's life, making the condition more relatable and easier to understand.

The video is more like a short film than a typical ad. By using this simple yet impactful analogy, it challenges the stigma and misinformation surrounding mental health. Storytelling, as shown here, is a powerful tool that helps us grasp complex issues, see life from different perspectives, and foster empathy.

2. Johnson & Johnsons: Nurses Change Lives

Being a medical doctor is often seen as one of the most noble and vital professions, focused on saving and improving lives. However, it's important not to overlook the essential work nurses do. There's a common stereotype that nurses handle the less desirable tasks while doctors do the thinking and problem-solving, but this is unfair and untrue.

Johnson & Johnson's healthcare video shines a light on the significant contributions nurses have made. Throughout history, nurses have developed innovative solutions and made important discoveries, just like doctors, though they often don’t receive the recognition they deserve.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role nurses play, but this video also sheds light on their many other contributions to medical science. Instead of a traditional ad, this video feels more like a mini-documentary, designed to be engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.

3. CALM: Suicidal Doesn’t Always Look Suicidal

This one is tough to watch, but it’s important because it addresses a difficult topic. One of the biggest challenges in mental healthcare is the stigma surrounding it. While people won’t judge you for a physical illness like a broken leg or cancer, talking about mental health and suicide is often considered taboo.

There are also harmful stereotypes about what suicidal thoughts "look" like. Many believe that someone who is suicidal will appear sad or withdrawn. However, the reality is that people struggling with suicidal thoughts can often seem happy and put-together on the outside, having learned to hide their pain.

This can make it even more shocking when someone takes their own life, leaving others to wonder why there were no apparent signs. But were there signs?

The video by the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) doesn’t rely on explanations or psychological analysis. Instead, it shows real footage of real people—who seemed to be enjoying life—before revealing that these individuals tragically took their own lives.

This powerful video follows the storytelling principle of "show, don’t tell," delivering a strong and clear message: "suicidal" doesn’t always look suicidal.

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4. Avecina

Talking about healthcare can be a bit of a downer, but does it really have to be? The aim was to bring a fresh perspective to healthcare video ads. An animated video for Avecina Medical was created, featuring two goofy characters who end up in a hospital after a funny mishap. The video is fun and lighthearted, with catchy music and lyrics narrating the story.

The goal was to strike the right balance between keeping things light and reducing tension, without making healthcare seem trivial. Taking this creative risk was worth it, as creativity often involves experimenting with new ideas.

The result was well-received, with positive feedback highlighting the playful yet respectful humor. The hospital's role as the hero at the end reinforces the relatability of the story, even for those who haven't had a similar misadventure.

5. Heal Pediatric

No one enjoys the idea of rushing to the hospital, regardless of the reason. Dealing with traffic, unexpected chaos, and long wait times are common issues in healthcare that many people accept as normal. However, healthcare video ads can offer innovative solutions to these problems.

Heal presents a fresh approach by bringing the doctor directly to your home. Their character-animated video highlights the usual issues and then showcases their convenient solution. The video combines beautiful artwork and smooth animation with a touch of lighthearted humor, making it engaging without diminishing the seriousness of the situation. This approach is both relatable and comforting, effectively demonstrating the benefits of Heal's service.

6. Intel: AI in Healthcare

Healthcare and AI are two well-known industries, yet they often seem complex and difficult to fully grasp. When you combine them, the concept can become even more confusing.

Thankfully, this animated video for Intel helps make sense of it all. Using beautiful, minimalist infographics, the video breaks down these complex topics with clever metaphors and clear text.

The video starts with a striking statistic about the number of patients who are misdiagnosed, highlighting the complexity of the issue. While complex problems rarely have simple solutions, the video does an excellent job of explaining them in a straightforward way.

This video is a great example of how animated storytelling can simplify and clarify even the most complicated concepts.

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7. #BallBoys by Deadpool

The #BallBoys campaign for testicular cancer awareness tackles a tough topic head-on. Talking about cancer isn't easy, and it’s something most people would prefer to avoid. That’s why creativity is essential to capture attention. This video stands out by featuring Deadpool, a superhero known for his sharp humor rather than traditional superpowers. It’s far from your typical healthcare ad. In his usual witty style, Deadpool explains how to check for testicular cancer, using humor to keep viewers engaged while delivering crucial information.

Interestingly, Deadpool’s character has a backstory linked to cancer. Facing terminal cancer, he undergoes an experimental treatment, emerging disfigured but with superpowers. To ensure inclusivity, they also released a companion video on breast cancer self-exams, making sure all viewers are covered. This campaign shows that even serious health issues can be addressed in a way that’s both entertaining and impactful.

8. Pfizer: We Are One

One effective way to shake off the image of a big, impersonal corporation is by highlighting the people behind the brand. Pfizer does this beautifully in their video. By offering a glimpse into the lives of their diverse employees, the video emphasizes that healthcare is fundamentally about people, whether they’re providing or receiving care. This focus on the human aspect is straightforward but incredibly impactful.

9. Memorial Sloan Kettering

When making a healthcare video ads, it might be tempting to include everything imaginable. However, sometimes less really is more. You can convey a lot with just a few carefully chosen words and visuals. The typographic animated video from Memorial Sloan Kettering demonstrates this minimalist approach perfectly. It's brief and straightforward but leaves a powerful impression. This shows that simplicity can be very effective.

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10. InovaHealth - CME

Life is delicate, which is why we need more skilled doctors, nurses, and medical technicians. Their job is challenging and important, as they hold the responsibility for others' lives. InovaHealth focuses on training and education to meet this need. Their well-crafted 2D animated infographic video highlights their various training programs and educational efforts. The soothing, brand-matching colors create a serious yet friendly tone. The clean animation and straightforward graphics, along with an easy-to-follow script, effectively communicate InovaHealth’s commitment to its mission.

11. OhioHealth

OhioHealth’s "Keep Making Plans" campaign offers a hopeful perspective on cancer care through its healthcare video ads. Instead of focusing solely on technology or rankings, the campaign highlights the strength and determination of patients who continue planning for their future despite a cancer diagnosis. This approach shifts the emphasis from technology and rankings to patient resilience, encouraging a positive outlook by showing the importance of continuing to make plans even when facing breast cancer. This fresh take on marketing cancer care, especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, sets the campaign apart and effectively uses healthcare video ads to convey its message.

12. SickKids

SickKids launched a digital marketing campaign to unite Toronto’s neighborhoods in support of a new hospital. They used large murals of patients to rally community support and created a digital platform,, where donors’ flags were displayed on a virtual city map. This approach harnesses community power, engages people with impactful street art, and involves donors in a unique way by showing their support on a digital map.

13. Baylor Scott & White Health

Baylor Scott & White Health’s advertisement stands out by focusing on their dedication to improving patients' lives, rather than showing standard hospital scenes. The commercial emphasizes a better approach to invasive heart surgery and features Jay, who has made a full recovery and feels much better. This approach sets it apart from typical healthcare ads by concentrating on real success stories and the positive impact on patients' lives.

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14. Great Ormond Street Hospital

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity created a touching animated Christmas campaign that tells the story of Mia’s journey home for the holidays. The animation features Mia and her sister, Amy, who were treated for the same rare condition at different times. It shows Mia falling asleep in her hospital room, then being gently carried away by the wind along with other sleeping children.

This campaign stands out because it offers a heartwarming look at Mia’s journey home for Christmas, includes real patients and their stories to add authenticity and emotional depth, and combines animation with real-life footage to create a powerful narrative.

15. Bupa Health Insurance

Bupa Health Insurance aims to change how people view mental health by encouraging them to seek help through their services. With over 70 years of experience, Bupa has supported people through many life challenges, making it clear that seeking help for mental health is normal and encouraged.

What makes it stand out is its effort to reshape views on mental health, normalize asking for support, and showcase its long history and dedication to helping people with various life experiences.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, these 15+ standout healthcare video ads highlight the power of creative storytelling and effective communication in the industry. Each example demonstrates how innovative approaches can capture attention, inspire action, and make a meaningful impact. Whether you're looking to elevate your healthcare marketing or explore new ideas, these ads offer valuable insights and inspiration.

If you’re ready to bring your own healthcare video ad vision to life, consider partnering with us at Get Camera Crew. With our expertise in video production and a keen eye for impactful storytelling, we can help you create compelling content that resonates with your audience and stands out from the crowd.

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