Video Production

What is Webcasting? Everything You Need to Know

What is webcasting and how does it work? Check out this article to learn more about it

Ryan Diyantara
October 24, 2023

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Online events cover a wide variety of things. They range from the usual webinars that you know and like to events that happen on the internet with multiple sessions.

One significant part of online events that doesn't get as much attention is webcasting. Webcasts are like webinars and virtual events, but they are a newer technology. The first webcasts didn't show streaming videos; instead, they showed still pictures taken with a web camera every few minutes, and these pictures were then sent over the internet.

Webcasts have come a long way since then and can be used for many different types of events and projects. To make good use of them in your online events, it's important to understand the basics. So, we've gathered all the essential information you need to know about webcasting.

What is Webcasting?

Webcasting means broadcasting live videos on the internet. It works in real-time and lets the webcaster and viewers talk to each other. Thanks to new tech improvements, it's now a cost-effective and efficient way to communicate. Using webcasting as part of your company's marketing is a great idea because it's trendy, lets you connect directly with your audience, and shows that you're an expert in your field to your customers.

Benefits to Webcasting

Using webcasts in your marketing strategy has many good things. Like we said, it's a popular thing to do. When you do what's popular, it shows your company knows what's going on.

People like looking at things and talking with them, so if you give them something they can see and interact with, a lot of people will come. Another big plus of webcasting is that you can talk with your customers right away. You can make chat rooms where your audience can talk to each other and ask you questions, and you can answer them quickly.

You can use webcasting for lots of things, like marketing, teaching, talking inside your company, having press conferences, and answering questions from customers. In the end, webcasting can reach people in different places, make your brand better, let you talk and connect with your audience, and make your company more valuable.

The Difference Between a Webcast and a Webinar


Webcasting is a great choice because of the advantages we talked about earlier. It's also different from webinars and web conferences for similar reasons. While webinars and webcasting do similar things, webinars are set up to work with lots of people at once. Some webcasts even include webinars in them, allowing the audience to join in and be more interactive in the conversation.

Why You Should Use Webcasting?

1. Scalability

Marketers and businesses opt for webcasts because they're made to reach big crowds –we're talking thousands of attendees. Webcasts aren't limited by the space of a physical event, so you can make them as big as you need, as long as your platform can handle that many people.

2. Professional Quality

You can use webcasts to make your online event better. Webcasts make your broadcast look really good, like on TV or in a studio. They help you make your online event exciting, whether it's a town hall, conference, panel talk, product launch, or an annual review for your stakeholders.

3. Accessibility

Many businesses are thinking about this more now. Webcasts help make things easier for people who want to join but might face problems at in-person events.

There are many folks who can't come to these events in real life. It could be because of a physical disability, the money it costs to go, or just not having the means to travel. Webcasting lets anyone with an internet connection or smartphone attend your event.

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4. Engagement Options for Webcasts

They also give you a good opportunity to interact with the people watching. In mostwebcasts, you can't have the same kind of two-way talk you might have in a realevent. That means you can't see the people on video or hear their voices.

But for a big online event, having controlled two-way talk is better for keeping the audience interested. With a webcast, the folks watching online can still take part by answering polls and asking questions using text chat. You can also use surveys and follow up after the event to make the interaction even better.

How to Use Webcast?


Webcasts are very flexible events. You can use them for almost any kind of event. Here are a few ideas to help you understand how you can add webcasts to your online events.

Webcasts for Corporate Communications

When companies get bigger, they need to talk more. One problem for big companies is talking to their employees in a way that keeps them interested. Webcasting is a good way to put the leaders in front of the workers in a fast and effective way.

Webcasts for Conferences and Tradeshows

If you want to have your event all on the internet or just add an online part to a regular event, webcasts can help.

For instance, webcasting can be an extra tool for big yearly conferences. By webcasting some parts of the event, like when you have guest speakers and important business people, it makes it easier for more folks to join in.

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Webcasts for Thought Leadership

In the world of inbound marketing, a big focus is on being a thought leader. You need to offer more than just selling to potential customers; you aim to give them something valuable, so they see you as a reliable source of information. Webcasts are an excellent method to achieve this.

How to Create a Successful Webcast Meeting

To run successful webcast meetings or virtual events, it's important to consider how your webcast connects with the viewers. When you emphasize providing clear and organized information, you can ensure that your webcast meeting is a positive experience for your audience.

With a clear goal, you can effectively reach many participants at once, offering opportunities for questions and engagement, even when direct interaction isn't possible.

Choosing the right webcast platform and how you promote your webcast online can significantly affect who watches it and how the audience responds.

The more you promote your website and pay attention to the interests and needs of your audience, the better you can target your viewers and successfully achieve your webcasting objectives.

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